You can manage the Works you created on the "My Work" screen. Works on your iOS/Android device are displayed in "My Work" , and uploaded Works are displayed in My gallery. Springin’ Plus members have access to "My Box" tab. You can import images created on apps other than Springin’ into Material stock.
My work screen

My work tab
Display my work.
My gallery tab
Display my gallery (the list of uploaded works).
My box tab
Display my box.
Search button
Display keyword entry bar.
Thumbnail resize button
Resize the thumbnail of displayed work.
New folder create button
Add a folder to my work.
Save a work. You can name the folder.
A piece you created in Springin’ is called "Work." In my work, you find works you created and edited after download. The work you cannot upload to my gallery, shows an incompatible icon in the lower left.
Material stock button
Display Material stock window. You can manage your material stock and import images.
My work search screen

Keyword entry bar
Enter a keyword you want to search. Use you want to search a work in my work.
Bookmark filter
Display only bookmarked works.
Sort button
Sort the works in my work in a certain order.
Sort by title (A to Z)
Sort works by title (A to Z).
Sort by title (Z to A)
Sort works by title (Z to A).
Sort by latest modification date
Sort works by latest modification date.
Sort by oldest modification date
Sort works by oldest modification date.
Sort by latest creation date
Sort works by latest creation date.
Sort by oldest creation date
Sort works by oldest creation date.
Work details screen

The first scene of the work is displayed.
Scene list
The second scene of the work is displayed.
Item list
Items in the work are displayed.
Title / Comments
Title and comments are displayed. Tap to edit.
Work information edit button
Tap here to edit the work title or description.
The Work information edit screen opens, and you can set the genres.
The Work information edit screen opens, and you can add or remove tags.
Work creation date / Modification date / Size
Play button
Open the work.
Edit button
Edit the work.
Bookmark button
You can add or delete bookmarks.
Folder move button
Display the folder list to move.
Upload button
Display the dialog to upload Works to "My Gallery" , campaign, or "My Box."*Box available for Springin’ Plus members only
Tap (or slide) to display the Trash button, in order to erase your work.
Close button
Close the work details screen.
Work Version
Display which work engine this work was created with. Tap to see if it works correctly with your Springin’. For more information, please see
[About Work Version].Trash
You can erase the work. Note that once the work is erased, it cannot be restored.
Upload setting screen

The first scene of the work is displayed.
Work title
Work title is displayed. It is required to upload. Tap to edit.
Work comments are displayed. Tap to edit.
Highly recommended work setting button
Tap here to set as a highly recommended work.
Material/Template work setting button
Tap this button to set the work as either material or template. This setting can not be changed after you upload the work.
Amount of coins needed to purchase material/template work.
Set the price of your material/template work.
Work modification date / Creation date / Size
Set the genre to the work.
Tag a work.
Upload button
Upload the work to market.
My gallery screen

Profile image
Display the profile image.
Creator name
Display the creator name.
Creator information
Display the profile, the number of uploaded works, and the number of followers.
Profile edit button
Open the profile edit screen.
Work list
Display the list of uploaded works.
My gallery work details screen

The first scene of the work is displayed.
Creator name / ID
Display your own creator name and ID.
The number of downloads / plays / likes / comments
Display the number of downloads, plays, likes, and comments.
Title / Comments
The work title and description is displayed.
Work title / Description edit button
Tap here to edit the work title or description.
The Work information edit screen opens, and you can set the genres.
The Work information edit screen opens, and you can add or remove tags.
Play button
Open the work.
Edit button
Edit the work.
Download button
Download a work to my work.
Move to My Box button
Move your Work to My Box keeping "number of downloaded/played, likes, and comments." You can move Work between Market and My Box at any time.*Box is available for Springin’ Plus members only.
Comment view button
View the comments of the work.
Share button
Display the ways to share the work.
Tap (or slide) to display the Trash button, in order to erase your work from my gallery.
Material stock window

Material stock window
Display all items imported from your photo library and files.
Image/Sound mode button
Switch between the image list imported from your device and the sound list imported from Springin’ Sound Stock.
Photo library
Import images from your camera roll.
Import images from your device file manager.
Delete button
Delete your imported image(s).
Close button
Close the material stock window.
Springin’ Sound Stock button
Open "Springin’ Sound Stock." You can download sounds from the website to your Material stock.
Submenu button
Tap (or slide) to display the Trash button to erase downloaded sounds.
My box screen

Add Box button
Display Box Setting. You can edit name/color, comments, expiry date of the Box here.
Press green tick button to complete editing.
Search button
Display search bar. You can search Box/Work from My Box.
Multiple select button
You can select multiple Boxes to delete. *If you delete Box, all Works in the Box will be deleted.
Sort button
Sort the Works in the Box in a certain order.
Switch display mode button
Switch display between thumbnail and list mode.
Display Boxes you created by "Add Box button."
Box details screen

Search button
Display search bar to find Work from Box.
Multiple select button
You can select multiple Works to delete, or transfer to different Box.
Sort button
Sort the Works in the Box in a certain order.
Switch display mode button
Switch display between thumbnail and list mode.
Box setting button
Display Box information dialog.
Edit Box button
Open Box setting.Press the green tick button to complete editing.
Sub menu button
Tap (or slide) to display the Trash button to delete your Work. *If you delete Box, all Works in the Box will be deleted.
Box work details screen

The first scene of the work is displayed.
Creator name / ID
Name and ID of the creator who made this Work.
Title / Comments
The work title and description is displayed.
Work title / Description edit button
Tap here to edit the work title or description.
The Work information edit screen opens, and you can set the genres.
The Work information edit screen opens, and you can add or remove tags.
Work creation date / Modification date / Size
Play button
Open the work.
Edit button
Edit the work.
Move to My Gallery button
Upload Work to Market directly from Box.
Tap (or slide) to display the Trash button, in order to erase your work.
Work Version
Display which work engine this work was created with. Tap to see if it works correctly with your Springin’. For more information, please see
[About Work Version].Close button
Close the work details screen.